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Glór Na Mara National School, Tramore, Co. Waterford

Junior Infants

We have 34 boys and girls in Junior Infants this year. We fill our days learning letter sounds, numbers, singing, dancing, playing, and having lots of active fun with our teachers, Ms. Dineen and Mrs. O'Neachtain. We will post photos and videos of some of our activities here. Check back regularly to catch up on our learning and fun!



28th Jun 2024
Junior Infants have been counting down the days until their school tour to Busy Barn...
19th May 2024
Junior Infants glided their way through "Bike Week," enjoying daily games and drills...
9th Feb 2024
Thank you to all the boys, girls, mums and dads who came to our open night to see...

Latest Photographs