School History
Glór na Mara National School is situated in the town, overlooking the beautiful bay of Tramore. It is a mixed school with classes from Junior Infants to 6th Class. The school boasts a long and rich history dating back to 1866/1867. The current school is an amalgamation of two schools: Star of the Sea and Edmund Rice National Schools. Amalgamation took place in 2000.

The Sisters of Charity (Star of the Sea School):
In 1866, the Sisters of Charity, inspired by their foundress, Mary Aikenhead, started a school for girls of all ages. A local man, William Carroll, provided £2,000 for a school to be built in his native town. The foundation stone was laid in March 1863 and the school opened on 6th September 1866. Records for the time tell us that: ‘the children were intelligent and most anxious for their improvement, indeed their zeal in the cause made their instruction a comparatively easy task. They flocked in from miles around.’ As well as the regular subjects, cookery, elocution, music, dance and drill were also taught, providing children with valuable skills for future employment. Music was a important part in the life of the school, with musicals performed each year. This tradition continued over the years with pupils participating in local and national musical events. This musical tradition is still alive and thriving today! When the population of the town increased, two additional extensions were added in the 1960s and 1970s. The original school with the extensions form part of the existing school.

The Christian Brothers (CBS & Edmund Rice School):
In 1867, the Christian Brothers, inspired by their founder, Edmund Ignatius Rice, started a school for boys. William Carroll and others generously provided monies for this school, too. The school, consisting of two rooms initially, was opened on 15th July 1867 and 144 boys attended on that day. With the growth in population in the 1970s, a new school was built on the site. This building was still in use up to June 2021, catering for the Junior section of Glór na Mara. The Brothers’ outstanding tradition of involvement in Gaelic games filtered through to many generations of children, with many successes over the years. Today, pupils participate in Gaelic games with pride and commitment. Sadly, the Christian Brothers left Tramore in 1993.
The two schools had worked closely together for many years, sharing a common mission and goal: to provide an holistic education for the local children.

Glór na Mara:
This close partnership in education culminated in 2000, when both schools amalgamated and became Glór na Mara. Enthused by the courage and inspiration of Mary Aikenhead and Edmund Ignatius Rice, the ‘new’ school caters for the needs of the children of Tramore, offering them an holistic education, in a truly modern, compassionate and Christian context. The two school buildings were in use until 2021 as we awaited an extension on the Star of the Sea site. In September 2021, all classes finally moved to one campus; a modern refurbishment of the Star of the Sea building with a sizeable new extension.
Glór Na Mara National School, Convent Hill, Tramore, Co. Waterford | Phone: 051 386 104