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Glór Na Mara National School, Tramore, Co. Waterford

News - 1st Class

26th Jun 2024
First Class put their procedural writing skills to the test this week, writing their...
21st Jun 2024
We have had a very "Active Week" here in Glór na Mara!! Sports day, Active...
20th Jun 2024
First Class enjoyed some fun in the sun today with a teddy bear picnic, ice pops...
19th Jun 2024
Today we launched our new Active Walkway. This is a wonderful resource for all the...
18th Jun 2024
First Class had great fun on their school tour in Woodfield House. We got to make...
22nd May 2024
First Class welcomed some special visitors to our school!
15th May 2024
Our class did some buddy art with Mr. Gunning's 6th class! We made really cool bookmarks!
15th May 2024
Our class really enjoyed our visit from the gardaí!
29th Apr 2024
50 children from 1st - 6th Classes took part in the Tramore Schools' Athletics Competition...
15th Mar 2024
We had great fun today on our Siúlóid Mór ☘️