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Glór Na Mara National School, Tramore, Co. Waterford

News - 4th Class

27th Jun 2024
 Sarah & Mia teaching Mr.O’Rourke and 4th class to bake a mug-cake.
27th Jun 2024
Today 4th class visited the Tramore beach Rockpools, investigating the local coastal...
26th Jun 2024
Over the past couple of weeks, 4th class have been busy preparing their ‘teach...
24th Jun 2024
Throughout the year, 4th class have been making great progress with their gymnastic...
24th Jun 2024
 We had a fantastic time on our school tour to the SETU arena. Followed by a...
22nd Jun 2024
Active Schools Week 2024 was well under way this week with different activities happening...
21st Jun 2024
We have had a very "Active Week" here in Glór na Mara!! Sports day, Active...
19th Jun 2024
Today we launched our new Active Walkway. This is a wonderful resource for all the...
18th Jun 2024
4th class ventured into SETU arena for their school tour. We had a fun filled day...
23rd May 2024
Primary School tag rugby blitz in Árdscoil Na Mara. Thank you to Munster Rugby...